Why not NUMBER ? a replacement of NAME .....

Hi friends !
Since long a thought is laying buried under many other worries of daily routine and that had once came to mind by reading a random column in newspaper , the writer stressed that making ADHAR CARD mandatory for all Indians is like stealing the identity of a person and converting it  into just  number like a prisoner.... and it struck my head ... Is it so ???
The time passed and day before yesterday the thought again peeped out of down memory lane when during morning assembly one of my students discussed the general habitual action of elephants , which when are small babies tied to a heavy iron chain tightly by their MAHAUT to check their extended movement and gradually they learn to be in limits for having been chained and simultaneously limit their outwards stretch and by the passing of time when they grow up, they are  only tied with a simple rope too meagre to hold AN ELEPHANT, even then the habitual grown up Elephant doesn’t strive for its escape and remains in the limits, ignorant of its might , its capacity and ability to have a fearless , free and adventurous life in the wilds ... u must be thinking what exactly the co-relation between these two different things ...
But they have a close relation!!! because when I read the news recently and one more time found the cheap religious political game and people’s reaction about the rape cases of  ‘Asifa ‘ & ‘ Geeta’ , where not many persons showed concern about the pain , the agony those small girls went through and about the shameful and brutal activities which had been performed on innocent minor girls  , the blame game with caste and religious backgrounds was brought  in front to take revenge for the sake of saving their so called Superior Religion... Isn’t it RIDICULOUS ???  and this frustration caused me to think about both these earlier mentioned things ...the latter makes me think that its completely relevant in present scenario where ‘ WE’ most of the  Indians are behaving like elephants which are unaware of their might , intelligence , calibre and still in the grip of anti-social practices such caste-creed , religious differences , social difference etc. Though education has loosened the grip of social evils but we are not still that improved, in that case the better solution is to be recognized by NUMBERS ...like all professional titles - doctor , teacher , mechanic , scientist , engineer, collector , soldier, leader etc.
Because as these titles need no religious identity, they serve without creating difference to all who ask for help and vice –versa the needy never ask for their religion to take their help ,same the number will pull one out of all social differences.
The need of the hour is to create a sensitive , harmonious, progressive and better atmosphere with the help of civilised , educated / learned , intellectual people who are free from all these unseen  ropes which pull them back when take a stride towards progress and humanity .
PRAY TO GOD for the betterment of ALL and a safe, secure and better social atmosphere for forthcoming generation




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